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Cleanings & Prevention

A healthy mouth is a tremendous asset. Strong teeth, disease-free gums, and optimal function are crucial for whole-mouth harmony and total-body health. Proper preventive care may also save you time, money, and potential discomfort later in life. Our dentists are experienced general and family dentist who delivers quality dental care to bring out the best in your smile.

At Cerritos Southcoast Dental, we enjoy treating patients of all ages. Drs. Compean use proven techniques, including dental sealants and fluoride, to reduce the risk of tooth decay in children. He recommends that all of his patients attend six-month checkups to stop small problems from creating significant damage. If you snore or suffer from sleep apnea, Our dentists may prescribe a custom-fitted snore guard to alleviate restless nights and return healthy, peaceful slumber. We also offer custom sports guards to defend athlete's smiles from injury during sports.

Dental Checkups

The American Dental Association recommends you see your dentist at least twice each year for a checkup. At your checkup, we will inspect your soft tissues for oral cancer, periodontal disease, and other problems. The dentist will also look at each tooth in your mouth to assess problems like tooth decay or cracks, as well as old dental work. Sometimes old dental work wears out and needs to be replaced. We will be happy to replace metal fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns with tooth-colored alternatives.

By looking for trouble every six months, we can often reduce your potential for large dental problems. For instance, left untreated, a small cavity can grow to destroy an entire tooth and spread to surrounding teeth. A cracked tooth can cause pain or break off and create additional problems. Furthermore, advanced gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss for American adults, and oral cancer causes more than 7,500 deaths each year. Caught and treated early, these diseases can be controlled.

Sports Guards

If you're involved in sports, you understand the importance of proper protective gear. But do you safeguard your smile? Up to 40% of athletic injuries involve the face. Our dentists offer custom-fitted sports guards to protect teeth and defend smiles against permanent damage.

Why live a lifetime without a beautiful smile? Review the information on this website, and then call Cerritos Southcoast Dental today to schedule an appointment with our dentists. We give patients from Cerritos, Lakewood and surrounding communities personalized care and sensational smiles!

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10945 South Street Suite 200A|Cerritos, California 90703|Map & Directions

Call: (562) 924-1523